Fitness In Action [FIA] is a premium online coaching company that is on a mission to transform women's bodies, minds, and perceptions of health and fitness.

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Client: FIA Coaching
  • Branding & art direction
  • Website design
  • Website development

The brand

The creation of the FIA brand was based around the development of a striking logo that could be paired with an equally striking colour palette. Having futher brand assets such as the icon and tagline allows the brand to express itself through a variety of creative means.
FIA brand colours

The website

The website plays a crucial role in educating women on the benefits of online coaching, how it works and prodiving the ability to easily complete essential onboarding typforms and get in touch with the coach.View website
FIA website design
FIA website design
FIA website design
FIA website design
FIA website design

Do you have a project in mind?

It would be great to talk about your project and see what amazing things we could create.
