Pose & Purpose wanted to disrupt the yoga scene with a bold, non-traditional brand. In order to see out this vision, the project required full-scale branding, art direction, photography, merch and e-book design, and web design and development.

Visit website
Client: Pose & Purpose
  • Branding & art direction
  • Website design & development
  • CMS integration
  • Motion design
  • E-book & merch design
  • Photography
Studio photo: Sophia in twisted lunge pose

The brand

The Pose & Purpose brand is unlike most yoga studios. With its contemporary, bold, and impactful typography-led design, while still hinting at femininity and embracing white space, the brand undoubtedly stands out from traditional yoga styles.
Pose & Purpose logo on green background
Pose & Purpose logo on cream background
Pose & Purpose brand colours

The website

It was essential to convey the brand's essence in the digital space, creating a website that's as impactful, engaging, and visually stunning as the brand itself. The website incorporates the brand's typography, white space, and stunning photography, enhanced by eye-catching animations and transitions. The site is also highly customisable through Hygraph CMS integration.View website
Pose & Purpose website design
Pose & Purpose website design
Pose & Purpose website design
Pose & Purpose website design
Pose & Purpose website design
Pose & Purpose website design
Pose & Purpose website design


Photography plays a significant role in the P&P brand, featured prominently in marketing and social channels. The goal for these photos was to capture visually pleasing and dynamic poses while experimenting with interesting angles.
Studio photo: Sophia in seated pose
Studio photo: Sophia in staff pose
Studio photo: Sophia in side crow pose
Studio photo: Sophia in triangle lunge pose
Studio photo: Sophia in child's pose
Studio photo: Sophia in bow pose
Street photo: Sophia in crow pose
Street photo: Sophia in stretch pose
Photo of Pose & Purpose tote bag held behind back
Photo of Pose & Purpose tote bag on autumn leaves with dog
Photo of Pose & Purpose tote bag held behind against blue sky
Photo of Pose & Purpose tote bag held behind against green hedge

Digital e-book

Pose & Purpose is dedicated to teaching and guiding. As a result, we created a branded digital e-book spanning over 70 pages. Carefully curated and designed over several months, this e-book offers a comprehensive introduction to yoga for beginners.Available to purchase here
Pose & Purpose digital e-book mockup
Pose & Purpose digital e-book mockup
Pose & Purpose digital e-book mockup
Pose & Purpose digital e-book mockup

Social posts

In a world of social media, it is important for P&P to have a direction and framework for social content and posts. Being able to quickly create content that remains on brand, showcases photography and keeps the audience engaged is very benefical.Pose & Purpose on Instagram
Pose & Purpose social media asset design
Pose & Purpose social media asset design
Pose & Purpose social media asset design
Pose & Purpose social media asset design
Pose & Purpose social media asset design
Pose & Purpose social media asset design

Do you have a project in mind?

It would be great to talk about your project and see what amazing things we could create.
